Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016): Turkish Journal of Marketing


Bursa Technical University

Published 06/02/2017


  • Football,
  • Soccer Industry,
  • Federation,
  • FIFA,
  • UEFA

How to Cite

A RESEARCH ON INDUSTRIAL FOOTBALL. (2017). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 1(2), 120-130. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v1i2.8


This article has been written on the evolution of football to the football industry. Football, a sporting activity, became paradigmatic in the second half of the twentieth century and became an economic and commercial space, causing the concept of supporters to turn into a customer concept. With this change, a new audience has formed and soccer, which is a sports activity based on physical education, has become a theatrical one. While this change has continued on the roads of soccer clubs that can keep pace, the clubs that can not change their economic infrastructure can not continue their way. The socio-cultural structure changing and football clubs' changing situation and the imitations of the football clubs were discussed, and the methodology of football was tried to be understood.


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