Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Turkish Journal of Marketing

Branding perceptions and branding activities of domestic agricultural machinery manufacturers

Figen Arslan Koçkaya
Assist. Prof. Dr., Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey

Published 03/25/2022


  • Tarım Makinaları, Markalaşma, Tarımsal Pazarlama

How to Cite

Branding perceptions and branding activities of domestic agricultural machinery manufacturers. (2022). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 7(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v7i1.148


One of the actors that provide high returns to its producers is agricultural machinery in the agricultural sector. Agricultural machinery is also produced in Turkey, and these products are exported abroad. However, it is tough to compete with big brands whose names have been known for years in the current agricultural machinery market in the world, with substantial capital and support by their countries in every sense. This research was carried out to determine the approaches of domestic agricultural machinery manufacturers to the phenomenon of branding and the activities they carry out in the name of branding. The qualitative analysis method was used in the study. In 2018, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 22 personnel working at the managerial level of domestic enterprises producing agricultural machinery. The responses received were coded by the discourse analysis technique, one of the qualitative analysis methods, and the codes were deciphered. The interviewees emphasized that they are aware that agriculture has an important place in the economy, that policies should be developed so that our country's agriculture can reach a better place, and that agricultural incentives are important. According to the interviewees, the brand is a vital variable in purchasing preference, and quality is important in branding. However, most interviewees stated that although they attach importance to branding, they do not have the necessary financial power and state support to open up to the foreign market.


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