Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Turkish Journal of Marketing

A literature review on social media marketing activities

Mervenur Tarhan
PhD Student, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
Yunus Dursun
Prof. Dr., Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

Published 03/25/2024


  • Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Activities

How to Cite

A literature review on social media marketing activities. (2024). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 9(1), 20-35. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v9i1.193


Companies have begun to attach importance to social media marketing activities (SMMA) to distinguish their products from their competitors' products and gain a competitive advantage at a certain quality level. In the study, studies related to SMMA conducted between 2014 and 2023 were identified. Twenty-four articles were accessed using Google Academic and DergiPark Academic databases. An attempt was made to present a general view of the subject by examining the articles obtained. A general screening model was used in the research. As a result of the research, SMMA is mostly examined regarding its relationship with brand value and purchasing intention. At the same time, there are studies examining the relationship between SMMA and the concepts of consumer perception, demographic characteristics of consumers, brand trust, brand love, relationship value, consumer participation, customer loyalty, and the limitations of the studies included in the research and the suggestions given to these limitations have also been identified. As a result of the research, no detailed literature review regarding social media marketing efforts was found. Therefore, this study is expected to fill the gap in the literature and guide future studies.


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