Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Turkish Journal of Marketing

Emoji usage in brand communication through social media: An evaluation on Turkey context

Fatih Pınarbaşı
Res. Asst., İstanbul Medipol University
İbrahim Kırçova
Prof. Dr., Yıldız Technical University

Published 04/25/2021


  • Emoji, Social Media, Brand Communication, Twitter

How to Cite

Emoji usage in brand communication through social media: An evaluation on Turkey context. (2021). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 6(1), 90-103. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v6i1.109


As one of the crucial elements in today’s communication, the emoji concept contains helpful insights about the market environment and brand communication. The research on emoji concept for Turkey context is limited and primarily based on traditional marketing research approaches, and this study aims to provide a data-based approach for understanding the concept by a 25.134 tweets sample from 5 industries/25 brands. The first section of the study uses the data retrieved through Twitter API by an exploratory approach that utilizes emoji presence, emoji density, and emoji variety variables. The second stage filters the sample by average interaction amounts and examines the sample by emoji categories and emotions. 21% emoji intensity and 15% emoji variety are found for the overall sample, while the smileys & people category is the most used category in the second stage sample. Top used emojis and emoji sentiment findings are also concluded in the study.


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