Published 04/25/2021
- Guilt,
- the Love of Money,
- Luxury Product,
- Consumer,
- Purchase
- Avoidance ...More
Copyright (c) 2021 İbrahim Bozacı
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Consumers may avoid purchasing luxury brands, which may cause negative feelings, such as low income and moral beliefs. It is essential to know the factors that affect the intentions to avoid luxury consumption and develop suggestions for businesses that market these products and know this relatively less studied aspect of consumer behaviour. In this study, the feeling of guilt arising from purchasing high-priced luxury clothing products and the effect of love of money, which expresses the individual's approach to money, on avoiding purchasing these products is questioned. Within the scope of the research, primary data were collected by face-to-face questionnaire method in Kirikkale province of Turkey, and the obtained data were tested with the structural equation model. As a result of the analysis, the feeling of guilt and the love of money (except for the motivation and wealth dimension) affect avoidance of purchasing luxury clothing. It was concluded that the variable affecting this intention the most was guilt and that the success dimension of the love of money had a negative effect. Finally, the research results were interpreted, and recommendations were made to researchers and businesses.
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