Analysis of the effect of ethical consumption on hedonic consumption and compulsive purchasing behaviour with PLS-SEM

Published 08/24/2021
- Ethical Consumption, Hedonic Consumption, Compulsive Purchasing Behavior, PLS-SEM
Copyright (c) 2021 İbrahim YEMEZ

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In this study, the effect of ethical consumption on hedonic consumption and compulsive buying behavior was tried to be revealed. For this purpose, data were collected from a total of 564 people over the age of 18 by online sampling method on 25-28 December 2020. It was revealed that the data were firstly distributed normally. In the second stage, Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed with PLS-SEM and the validity and reliability of the scale were proven. Then, the model was tested with Path Analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was found that Ethical Consumption positively affects Hedonic Consumption by approximately 13%; It was also observed that Hedonic Consumption had a positive effect on Compulsive Buying Behavior by about 69%, but Ethical Consumption had no significant effect on Compulsive Buying Behavior. In addition, it was seen that the model showed good fit according to the model fit scores. In the last stage, the Independent Samples T-Test and One-Way F-test were used to compare the factors according to the participants' gender, marital status, age, education, income, occupation and geographic region. It was observed that the factors differed significantly according to some variables.
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