Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Turkish Journal of Marketing

The effects of crisis perception, price-conscious and attitude on unplanned purchasing in special discount days: An empirical study on Turkish consumers

Yasin Gültekin
Assist Prof., Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Biga Applied Sciences Faculty, Departman of International Trade and Logistics, Çanakkale/Turkey

Published 03/25/2022


  • Crisis Perception, Price Conscious, Unplanned Purchasing

How to Cite

The effects of crisis perception, price-conscious and attitude on unplanned purchasing in special discount days: An empirical study on Turkish consumers. (2022). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 7(1), 19-30. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v7i1.149


This study analyzes the effects of crisis perception, price-conscious and consumer purchasing attitude on unplanned purchasing on discount days in an integrated framework. This study aims to determine how consumers' perception of crisis and price-conscious affect their purchasing attitudes. It is also to examine these three effects on unplanned purchasing behaviour. In the application part of this study, the questionnaire, which was developed to determine the effect of the variables mentioned above on the unplanned purchasing behaviour on the discount campaign days, was answered by 249 shoppers on the discount days. Analyse shows that price-conscious positively affects both the attitudes and unplanned purchasing behaviours of shoppers on discount days in Turkey. On the other hand, while crisis perception affects consumers' attitudes, it has also been found that it does not affect unplanned purchasing. In addition, the perception of crisis also affects price-conscious. Finally, it has been found that consumers' attitudes also affect unplanned purchasing behaviour.


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