Investigating the effects of factors that influence the attitudes of consumers towards private label products on their repurchase intention: A study on personal care products
Published 04/25/2021
- Private Label Products, Personal Care Products, Price-Quality Perception, Price Consciousness, Value Consciousness
Copyright (c) 2021 Selin Pektaş- Buket Bora Semiz

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The study aims to examine the effects of factors that have been reported in the literature to influence attitudes towards private label products on repurchase intention. A quantitative method has been adopted in the research. The study data were collected from 610 participants by a survey between 27 May and 11 June 2020 by using the method of convenience sampling. The study sample consisted of consumers who preferred private label products in their care product shopping at personal care stores in Bilecik. When the study's findings are examined in the context of the private label personal care product repurchase behaviours of the participants, they provide information on purchasing frequency, awareness status, price-quality perception, package reading knowledge and types of most frequently purchased products. The most frequently purchased private label personal care products were determined as tissues, toothbrushes and wet wipes. According to another result of the study, the value consciousness and price-quality perception positively affect intentions to repurchase private label personal care products; and the perceived risk hurts intentions to repurchase private label personal care products.
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