Vol. 8 No. 4 (2023): Turkish Journal of Marketing

Market segmentation based on consumers' multi-channel behaviours on e-retail purchases

Adnan Kara
Assoc. Prof., Bayburt University, Department of International Trade and Business Administration, Bayburt, Turkey
Hatice Arslan
MBA Student, Bayburt University, Bayburt, Turkey

Published 12/25/2023


  • Market Segmentation, Psychographic Segmentation, Demographic Segmentation, Multi-channel Behaviours

How to Cite

Market segmentation based on consumers’ multi-channel behaviours on e-retail purchases. (2023). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 8(4), 119-135. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v8i4.189


Consumers use online retailing to purchase and collect information about products. The main purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of online consumers, focusing especially on low-involvement products according to their multi-channel behaviour. The study population consists of individuals residing in Erzurum, Turkey, and the sample was selected using the convenience sampling method. The data from a sample of 300 participants were collected through online surveys. The link to the survey forms was sent to the participants via e-mail and telephone. The collected data was analyzed with factor analysis - principles components, reliability analysis - Cronbach Alpha, clustering analysis - Two Steps, and correlation analysis - Pearson. Cluster analysis based on consumers' online shopping preferences identified four different consumer groups in detail, focusing on the purchasing channels of online stores and the media touch points of mobile devices and personal computers. The cluster analysis also includes the psychographic and demographic characteristics of the participants. The results of this study can contribute to retailers better shaping their strategies and marketing efforts by providing greater insight into consumers' behaviour in online shopping. It also aims to contribute to the academic literature by emphasizing the importance of low-involvement products in online purchasing processes.


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