Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Turkish Journal of Marketing


Published 03/10/2017


  • Service Quality, Mobile Banking, SERVQUAL

How to Cite

USERS EVALUATIONS ABOUT E-SERVICE QUALITY OF MOBILE BANKING: KUVEYT TURK SAMPLE. (2017). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 1(1), 30-46. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v1i1.3


After rising the proportion of services sector in the economies of the countries, the need for quality measurement studies in services increased. Because internet banking, that began in 90?s, has a lot of advantages for banks and customers, it developed rapidly and a lot of banking services could be done in this new distribution channel. With the spread of mobile devices, the utilization of mobile banking in the 2010?s began to rise rapidly. So, it is a requirement to  measure of service qualities for mobile banking distribution channel. In this study, it was tried to understand users thoughts about service quality in mobile  banking area. Practice study was done in mobile banking users of Kuveyt Turk Participation Bank. Study results show that how the electronic banking services are perceived by users and what users expect from mobile banking services.


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