Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Turkish Journal of Marketing


İbrahim Ethem TARHAN
Asisst. Prof. Dr., İstanbul Kültür University
Neşe Bihter ATEŞ
İstanbul Kültür University

Published 04/25/2020


  • Reklam Etkinliği, Anket, Reklam Kampanyaları, Moda Perakendecileri, Pazar Tepkisi Teorisi
  • Advertisement Effectiveness, Questionnaire, Advertising Campaigns, Fashion Retailers, Market Response Theory

How to Cite

TARHAN, İbrahim E., & ATEŞ, N. B. (2020). A FAILED ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN: WHAT WENT WRONG? A CASE STUDY IN A FASHION RETAIL COMPANY. Turkish Journal of Marketing, 5(1), 59–76. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v5i1.79


This study focused on a top-tier retail fashion company which markets some of the leading brands in the ready-to-wear apparel and cosmetics industry in Turkey. Although the company had employed expensive advertising campaigns using international and local celebrities, their advertising campaign did not yield the expected consumer behavior.

We worked with the company in identifying factors in their advertisements that their customers prefer by building a questionnaire specifically designed for this company and by examining the results of 300 respondents? customer profiles and preferences to make recommendations for building future campaigns. Analyses revealed issues with the company?s choice of music, memorability of messages, and the selection of clothing combinations, especially for women respondents.  


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